Igor Trajkovski, Ph.D.

Igor Trajkovski



I. Trajkovski
Pagerank-like algorithm for ranking news stories and news portals [PDF]
ICT Innovations Conference
Ohrid, Macedonia, 2013
Springer Verlag, 2013

I. Trajkovski
Parallel genetic algorithm for creation of sort algorithms [PDF]
In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications
Craiova, Romania, September 2013
Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence / LNCS, 2013

Христина Андоновска, Игор Трајковски
Изучување на македонскиот јазик како мајчин/странски со помош на паралелен јазичен корпус, [PDF]
Зборник на реферати од XL меѓународна научна конференција при Меѓународниот семинар за македонски јазик, литература и култура,
Охрид, Македонија, 2013


V. Podpecen, N. Lavrac, I. Mozetic, I. Trajkovski, P. K. Novak and Coauthors
SegMine workflows for semantic microarray data analysis in Orange4WS [PDF]
V. Podpecen, N. Lavrac, I. Mozetic, I. Trajkovski, P. K. Novak and Coauthors
BMC Bioinformatics 2011, 12:416

A. Vavpetic, I. Trajkovski, P.K. Novak, N. Lavrac
Semantic Data Mining System g-SEGS [PDF]
In Proceedings of The European Conference on Machine Learning
and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Athens, Greece, 2011

N. Lavrac, A. Vavpetic, L. Soldatova, I. Trajkovski, P.K. Novak
Using Ontologies in Semantic Data Mining with SEGS and g-SEGS [PDF]
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Discovery Science
Espoo, Finland, 2011

I. Trajkovski, Z. Aleksovski
Learning to sort by using evolution [PDF]
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
Innovations in Information Technology
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2011


M. Saveski, I. Trajkovski
Automatic Construction of Wordnets by Using Machine Translation and Language Modeling [PDF]
In Proceedings of the 13th International Multiconference Information Society
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010

P. K. Novak, A. Vavpetic, I. Trajkovski, N. Lavrac
Towards Semantic Data Mining with g-SEGS [PDF]
In Proceedings of the 13th International Multiconference Information Society
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2010

M. Saveski, I. Trajkovski
Development of an English-Macedonian Machine Readable Dictionary by Using Parallel Corpora [PDF]
ICT Innovations Conference
Ohrid, Macedonia, September 2010
Springer Verlag, 2010


I. Trajkovski
Computer generated news site - TIME.mk [PDF]
ICT Innovations Conference
Ohrid, Macedonia, September 2009
Springer Verlag, 2009


Klema J., Zelezny F., Trajkovski I., Karel F., Cremilleux B. and Tolar J.
Gene Expression Mining Guided by Background Knowledge [Link]
Data Mining and Medical Knowledge Management: Cases and Applications
Edited By: P. Berka, J. Rauch and D. A. Zighed
IGI Global, 2008

J. de Bruin, J. Kok, Lavrac N., and Trajkovski I.
Service-Oriented Knowledge Discovery: A Case Study [Link]
Workshop: Third Generation Data Mining: Towards Service-oriented Knowledge Discovery,
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Antwerp, Belgium, 2008

J. de Bruin, J. Kok, Lavrac N., and Trajkovski I.
On The Design of Knowledge Discovery Services:
Design Patterns and Their Application In A Use Case Implementation
Workshop: Third Generation Data Mining: Towards Service-oriented Knowledge Discovery,
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Antwerp, Belgium, 2008

Trajkovski I., Lavrac N., Tolar J.
SEGS: search for enriched gene sets in microarray data [PDF]
Journal of Biomedical Informatics,
2008 Aug; 41(4):588-601.


Trajkovski I.
Doctoral Dissertation: Functional Interpretation of Gene Expression Data [PDF]
Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School,
Ljubljana, Slovenia 2007

Trajkovski I., Lavrac N.
Interpreting Gene Expression Data by Searching for Enriched Gene Sets [PDF]
Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
AIME 07, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2007
Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science / LNCS

Trajkovski I., Lavrac N.
Efficient Generation of Biologically Relevant Enriched Gene Sets [PDF]
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications,
ISBRA 2007 Atlanta, USA 2007
Springer Lecture Notes on Bioinformatics / LNCS

Trajkovski I., Zelezny F., Lavrac N., Tolar J.
Learning Relational Descriptions of Differentially Expressed Gene Groups [PDF]
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
special issue on Intelligent Computation for Bioinformatics 2007


Trajkovski I., Zelezny F., Tolar J., Lavrac N.
Relational Subgroup Discovery for Descriptive Analysis of Microarray Data [PDF]
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computational Life Science,
CompLife 06, Cambridge, UK 2006
Springer Lecture Notes on Bioinformatics / LNCS

Trajkovski I., Zelezny F., Tolar J., Lavrac N.
Relational Descriptive Analysis of Gene Expression Data [PDF]
Proceedings of the 3rd European Starting AI Researcher Symposium at the
17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
ECAI 06, Riva del Garda, Italy 2006

before 2006

Trajkovski I.
Analysis of protein binding pocket flexibility [PDF]
First Slovenian Workshop for Bioinformatics,
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2005

Trajkovski I.
Master Thesis: Analysis of protein binding pocket flexibility [PDF]
Max Planck Institute for Informatics & Saarland University,
Saarbrucken, Germany 2004

Bungartz H. -J. and Trajkovski I.
Efficient strategies for optimization with genetic algorithms [PDF]
Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, 2002, pp. 3-22.

Trajkovski I.
Diploma Thesis: Genetic Algorithms, theory and applications [PDF]
Institute of Informatics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia 2001
Last Updated: October 2013