Arsim Zekolli @arszek
#reach: 3007   ( 1236th )
#followers: 1978   ( 2269th )
An information that is not and must not be taken as an association to Serbia (whoever does, will be blocked). Young girl raped by four men in a toilet, inside a bistro in Nish. That is not the news. The censorship of the news is the news. In this Serbia of Vucic. 1/
Baton Haxhiu ne 1999 per Ibrahim Rugoven.

"Rugova eshte nje tradhetar i felliqet. Ai kurr nuk mund te jet nje udheheqes unifikues ne Kosove. Rugova eshte nje idiot politik"

Sot, i njejti person me perafersisht te njejtin vokabular per Kurtin. https://t.co/mS9JjyqQIh
No such thing in Serbia. Not because of Serbs. But because of their Government, political parties, media and notoriously unreformed police, judiciary. The merit for this goes to international community who for the sake of "bringing Serbia into western fold" has fed ... 4/
Media was covering the case 24/7, tens of tv debates, analysis, failure of justice system mercilessly attacked by gov & opposition parties. The merit for this goes to domestic factors, but even more to international community that helped build a strong NGO, free media etc. 3/
A few months ago, a similar case of brutal rape rocked Kosova. Within less than 24 hours, we knew the age of the victim, names of the rapists, their faces, location, and circumstances. Day after, streets were packed with women (and men) demanding justice for the victim. 2/
But the same West does not like to take (or at least share) the blame for the democratic & instritutional sewage that is Serbia today. That Chriss Hill @USEmbassySerbia cynically and shamelessly calls it "inspirational". 6/6
the culture of impunity, appeasement, tolerance of illiberal anarchy spearheaded by Vucic, Vulin, Brnabic etc. West likes to take credit for Kosova's achievements. And it rightly deserves so. 5/
Тајната на успехот на Хрватска не е бегството од истокот (како што ние на ориенталниот Балкан утешно се тешиме), туку желбата и непоколебливата решеност на државата и народот да се биде дел од Европа – не само членка на Европската Унија.
Me sa me kujtohet, njohja reciproke nuk ishte aktuale ne agjenden e Escobar, Hill, Chollet edhe para tensioneve te fundit. Tingellon bombastike, por deklarata nuk eshte risi. Vazhdimesi e presionit mbi Vjosen, Albinin.

"Hovenier: Njohja reciproke është e pamundur aktualisht"
One of the most famous watchmakers in the world, Franck Muller, has released for sale a special luxury watch model with the national hero of the Albanians, Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbeu.

@peravojchan Београд је дуже био главни град Бугарске него ли Србије .
That cold-hearted, insensitive, selfish, heartless West that dislikes kids. https://t.co/LwvsTMbLkS
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