garlic munching marxist whоre™ @lithiumnatrium
#reach: 473   ( 2054th )
#followers: 473   ( 9197th )
nothing good comes of skiing. stop doing it.

that’s an activity invented by and for people who had to escape polar bears. do you have to escape polar bears? no. you’re just escaping taxes
yesterday i talked to no less than four people my age who told me they’re having existential crises, don’t know who they are now they finished school & got a job, don’t want to work anymore, have forgotten how to socialize & desperately need community

it’s rough out there https://t.co/7JWvw2gy9g
on the plane there was another young redhead in a hoodie with giant jbl headphones sitting next to me, felt like i was in a simulation lol
i got vaccinated, got the booster, i mask on public transport like what else is in my power to do to prevent getting it? lock myself in my house for the rest of time & waste my youth even tho i have no idea if i will ever live to see old age from climate catastrophe? get a grip
i don’t think i will ever not flinch internally when i hear someone cough, we’re all beyond traumatized & putting out several fires at once while trying to piece back SOME sort of semblance of normalcy but for some reason you all think blaming individuals is constructive? lol
sorry but what is the point of those guilt tripping passive aggressive tweets like “imagine telling people in 2019 they’d be cool about getting brain damage” about the effects of long covid? obviously i’m not fucking cool with it but i don’t get what more you want ME to do?
NAUR she was on my train too https://t.co/9dXurbeJ3L
@ananastasija1 lele i kako dete koga ja gledav bev kao što gi trpi ovaa zdrava li e
when u live in a late capitalist post-truth age of AI manips, every day is april fool’s day
i'm fighting for my life in the check out portal on the colosseum website & they sold the ticket while i was paying for it but then apparently somehow added more slots??? they better not have scammed me or i will make nero look like a kid setting off firecrackers
btw the newest update in my life is that the pipe that burst last week was lead & we could’ve been drinking lead water for the past 5 years so maybe this isn’t such a bad development lmfao
halfway thru the year of magical thinking & i’m holding back tears in public
this website is so broken bc i keep getting “you can reply to this convo” under tweets of users i don’t follow or follow me despite them restricting replies to their followers which makes me wonder if twitter circle is also safe as well lol
buying tickets to museums in rome for spring as an extreme sport
i changed my mind again about the yellowjackets baby

a baby in the security queue smiled and waved at me 🥺
@ananastasija1 da da site od red kao ne znam voopšto što e šalata, kao haha glej kolku e smešno što ženite se tormozeni od onie što treba da gi poddržuvaat? ok
nothing like a cancelled train to make u feel welcome home in the nl 🥰
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